Friday, August 21, 2009

Colorado or Bust!

This last week as been a whirl wind to say the least....I will probably have two posts coming up about our road trip and one about our crazy housing search.

But first our roadtrip!!! All last week Blake and I did some packing, trying to stay organized, which is difficult to do when you are packing up everything you own. Then Saturday and Sunday were major move days. Thanks to the help of our future Brother-in-law and our good friend Wes we got the U-haul packed. My parents and friends were so great to come over and support emotionally helping me accomplish the small details of a move. Then Monday morning was the big day!!! My wonderful dad came with us to help drive the u-haul.

My cute dad with the U-haul and Flat Stanley

We set off pretty early and it was a bit of a bumpy road to begin with, we started driving in rain. Which doesn't sound like that big deal unless the Uhaul wind shield wipers were working!!! Which the were obviously not. But not to worry, Jim Bob and Blake did some investigating and some shaking of the dash board to fix the problem.

We finally arrived at our destination of Colby, KS. I don't think that I had ever been so happy to stop from a road trip. The the next morning we got up early to hit the ground running to find a place to live.

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